Healing Truths for Libra Season

You really don’t get much more of a beautiful weaving together of compassion and discernment than when you have The Empress and The Queen of Swords as your backup crew. And that’s just what the Justice energy of Libra has with these two comrades. That is a whole lot of throne energy and for me, the thrones in the deck indicate real foundation work. They indicate our root systems that everything sits on and grows out from. Oh perfect to assess and adjust the foundation work from last month! This is a lot of air energy so we are looking at our relationship to how we think about, communicate with and internally narrate our lived experiences and the essence of who we are. It’s about how we communicate and relate to the outside world as well. ​

Justice, at its core, is asking us to see something for how it really is. Not how we wish it were or how we would like it to be, but how it really truly is. AND it's asking us to bring a sense of balance, harmony or restoration around this 'truth'. And that can be hard work. It can be activating for us to see a truth (whether externally or internally) and realise that we can’t unsee it. There’s no going back from this point. Yuck hey? And also…yay! We have clarity around what we need to see so that we can make the best choice moving forwards. ​

This is a great time to acquaint yourself with your core values and ensure that you are moving through your life in a way that aligns with them. Our core values are allowed to change, we are always allowed to change, especially in light of a bit of a reality check from this Justice card. The Empress asks us to use gentle compassion with ourselves in this assessing and adjusting phase while The Queen of Swords asks us to use real discernment around the thoughts, arguments, comparisons and beliefs we allow ourselves to be drawn into. We always have a choice about how we speak to ourselves. We have a choice in how we relate to ourselves and the world around us. What rules of engagement feel the most supportive and right for you?

Go forth and relate from that grounded and supportive throne position.


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My Muse is in the Mundane