My Muse is in the Mundane

The irony of this epiphany is that it came when I was tits deep in a room clean. I had a ping that I often have most of my best pings when I am engaged in my everyday, mundane activities like walking, showering, cooking and cleaning. 

Let me just say that I am not someone who enjoys housework. And before you ask, ‘but who does?’, let me say that there are folks I know that really enjoy it or that feel it's an important part of their lives. I don’t. I find it difficult because I’m can be a bit all or nothing and my energy levels are unpredictable so things can build up and then feel too damn big. And when I do get in a good rhythm with doing a little bit everyday, the fact that it is all undone so quickly is soul destroying for me. Le Sigh.

We are in a wee phase of things with our family right now where I am the main home caretaker. The old fashion gender balance of things does press the equality and justice alert button in me big time and also, it is what it is. We are a team. We are working hard to raise our son with the tenets of fair division of labour and community contribution (modern parenting…am I right?) and in that he has his roles that will grow as he does. My husband also does more than his fair share and doesn’t expect us to have certain roles and yet, due to circumstances, here we are. I’m ‘it’ as the caretaker and logically it feels good to be able to contribute to the family in a more practical way while building up this business but boy does it annoy me to no end as well. 

So many pings happening in spaces like this during my daily stroll. 

We know our circumstances can and will change much like life ebbs and flows and changes all the time. Our division of labour is always being assessed and adjusted and we can have a good laugh about a lot of it…until I’m faced with the never ending chores and jobs and tidying up that accompanies everyday life. 

I speak a lot (a lot, a lot) about the magic in the mundane and making our practical more magical and I was served a dose of my own medicine yesterday when I was made aware of just how many pings, downloads and intuitive nudges I have while going about the mundane of my day. Of course the how is important here. When I go about my day more slowly and sweetly (like honey) rather than fast and frenzied. When I start my day with my grounding morning time things and then when I move into my day more connected to myself.

I get in the shower and lather up *ping*

I put on the laundry (load number 5543) *ping* 

I load the dishwasher (again) *ping* 

I walk Moose after the school run *ping, ping, ping* (cause….nature)

I realise this is because my hands (and body) are busy with things they know how to do so my muse and spirit are free to play about with each other. When I engage in these mundane things, my Magician is able to use its tools to bring down the insights and invitations that are hovering all around me; in that wee shimmery unseen realm where our muses like to live. The other time that supports the same quality of insights is when I’m communing with my Tarot cards and writing in my journal. But to be fair, those moments seem like the channel plug-in while the pings that come later are what is being fed down the line. 

In my role as a teacher for all those years, I would rarely have a ping at work. It was too busy and too loud. Now that I am working from home, I have been afforded so many more opportunities for quiet and solitude. I notice the best pings come when I’m engaging in activity without music or a podcast or a beloved voice note from a friend. It’s in the quiet of the house or out on the walk or in the water of the shower, *ping, ping, ping* 

This epiphany has actually helped me shift how I feel about the housework side of my life. I’m trying to view it more as an opportunity and a reminder that I am connected all the time, that we all are. That our muse always wants to commune with us. That we can be conduits in our everyday moments (what a relief we don’t have to be engaging in complicated, time consuming rituals). That maybe we just need to give ourselves the chance to hear what is wanting to come through by quieting the noise and keeping our hands busy. That maybe there really is magic in our mundane when we give it space to come through. Am I ever really going to love housework? Probably not. But I do enjoy the honouring of our home and space, the physical contribution to our family's daily life and the way it allows me to quieten down my very busy mind with routine and repetition so my muse and my soul can have a wee convo. I’m considering it time to ‘commune with my Muse’ and I can get onboard with that. 

Have you noticed where your Muse communicates with you the most? We are all different and all have differing sensory/energetic/communication needs and styles. Your Muse may not live in your mundane but they live somewhere. We just need to give ourselves time and space and attention to notice where that may be. 

As always, for those of us who are Tarot inclined, there are Tarot supports for this.

There are more detailed definitions for these cards and how to work with them over in the Membership Area.

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