Leadership Strengthening with the Queens

If you are looking to do some aligned leadership shifting for yourself, the Queens of the Tarot are a really worthwhile support to explore and work with. The Kings are the embodiment of those skills that we take out into the world with. They are the ones we have embedded and that we trust. Like with all really great leaders, it’s crucial to assess our relationship to leadership often. Unaligned leadership is rife so our style of beautiful, curious, supportive, compassionate leadership is needed now more than ever. And being tethered to it is crucial. Being pulled out of alignment isn’t a thing to feel shame about. It’s really easy for it to happen. We all get pulled out at times but the most important thing is come home to reassess, repair and realign. We love a wee internal leadership crafting. We love a little spring cleaning and reorganising behind the scenes in order to show up as our most sparkly little selves. The Queens are that internal spring clean, shape shifting and Marie Kondo-esque organising of our leadership things to match our values and best ways of being.

We are all leaders in our own lives. We make executive decisions about ourselves, our lives and the people in our lives every moment of everyday. We want the leader in our lives (us) to be aligned, strong, compassionate and well. We are also leaders in other folks’ lives. As parents, family members, colleagues, friends we play leadership roles in some way, shape or form with those we interact with. We just do. So let’s approach them with a set of the most beautiful leadership skills and tools possible.

You can’t go out in a really grounded way until you’ve gone in and deeply connected to how you want to move through the world. The Queens are the real MVPs leadership wise and each has their own special themes to work with and explore. It’s kind of like the whole ‘be the change you want to see’ sort of stuff. 

Below are the four Queens and some of their themes. You, of course, are the leader in your own life and so trust which feels most poignant for you at this time or if you have another knowing about them in your heart.

The Queen of Swords Leadership Themes: truth telling, old story edits and rewrites, discernment, communication lines, accountability buddy, boundary setting and maintaining, mindset shifting, perspective points, clarity cultivation, possibility creation, the scheming part after the dreaming, homecoming path identification.

The Queen of Wands Leadership Themes: hearth witch, energy stoking, pace check, inspirational mood boards, the how of the why, internal fire tending, magic making, sparky ideas, knowing our worth, bringing our own special sauce, awe and wonder, embracing our unique selves as a sport, homecoming path inspo.

The Queen of Cups Leadership Themes: emotional deep dives, intuitive arts, moon magic, dreaming before the scheming, dreamscapes, honouring ebbs & flows, hydration stations, safe haven building, retreat as self care, weird and wonderful love languages, heart expansion, feeling your way along your homecoming path.

The Queen of Pentacles Leadership Themes: seed planting/garden tending/harvest reaping, bodywork, routines and habits, the practical of the magic, patience as a love language, embodiment practices, movement as healing, nourishment as self care, self- tending, standing in the gardens of our own creation, processing the feelings, channeling the ideas to fruition, homecoming path walking.

Below is a really lovely way to engage with the Queens as an internal leadership support system. For those who don’t Tarot, I would recommend considering the themes that feel most relevant for you now and journal what comes up for you. If you like to meditate or visualise, you can imagine sitting on a throne made of the most beautiful and support foundations based on the themes from a particular Queen and see what comes up for you. What feelings, actions, shifts, beliefs would contribute towards those themes best for you? This is throne building work. Our foundations are what we build our best, most expansive lives upon and we want them to be as solid and supportive as they possibly can be.


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