Courageous Clarity for Leo Season

This Leo Season can feel different for different folks. Some may feel like they’ve been grabbed from an emotional safe haven (cave?) and thrust onto a stage with blinding stage lights in their faces. Some may feel like the warmth of the sun has finally found them (and saved them, sweet relief!).

Some folks love the clarity of this season and others find it harsh and confronting. All of that is good. There is never a wrong way to feel in any season and we learn to embrace and support ourselves in them best. What I do know is that the clarity of The Sun allows us to make our best choices and create aligned forward momentum when we have all the information.

There is a real sense of a ‘builder’ energy to this month. The foundations of what we want to create more of are here in this season for us to engage with.

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Magic in the Mundane for Virgo Season


Walk with me on a bit of my spiritual homecoming path.