Walk with me on a bit of my spiritual homecoming path.

It is near impossible to do this homecoming healing, path finding and journeying stuffs without collecting some spiritual practices along the way. The more I do this exploration (for myself and with others) the more I am learning to embrace that side of things for myself. Maybe you can relate. 

I grew up in Canada in a home that was not religious (loosely Catholic parent with a non-believing, highly analytical and critical parent). ‘Woo’ was not something that was encouraged or entertained. In fact, it was outrightly dismissed or criticised. And yet, even with that, my little sensitive, openhearted, empathetic, imaginative soul was drawn to all the fairytales. I loved stories about fairies, witches, wizards, mermaids and spirits. I loved Celtic folklore and First Nations stories and teachings. I was obsessed with them in fact. I spent hours outside on mythical journeys or in the midst of an elaborately craft fairyverse or whipping up magical potions and witches brews from the dirt and plants around us. How many of us did that as kids? When did we stop? 

My childhood obsessions never really eased, they just morphed into things like reading fantasy and historical fiction, dabbling in occulty things and taking courses at Uni about mythology. 

It wasn’t until I moved to Scotland (another part of my spiritual journey…let's just say I was drawn to this country in a very clear and intentional way) and also realised that that part of myself was only getting stronger as I was getting older, that I started to consider that maybe there was something there to embed. 

I started taking Tarot and journaling more seriously as a spiritual practice. I researched Celtic practices and looked out for aligned teachers. I found out a bit more about my own heritage and learned about my family links to Northern England, Scotland, Ireland and Sweden (I also have links to French and First Nations groups in Eastern Canada but that doesn’t feel as available for me to connect with). I have worked with spiritual folks who were able to sense the connection I have with certain ancestors and who could see that I have ‘white witches’ in my lineage. 

Essentially, I have collected my spiritual bread crumbs along the way. I have learned to trust my obsessions and interests and the things I’m drawn to. Those things that just felt right way back when I was a kid. It’s the things I felt a warmth for right in the core of my body (and guess where in my body I now know to feel for my intuition telling me ‘Yes! This!’). 

I’m sharing this with you to show that even though we may be disconnected from a cultural practice or identity, there are ways for us to explore and weave a wee practice for ourselves. Exploring family trees, speaking to our older folks, getting a DNA profile done or working with an energy worker or seer skilled in ancestry work are all great ways to get a bit more info and see where you are feeling drawn to explore more.

We can do this in a gentle, curious and respectful way and we can take our time, keep it simple and let it evolve over time. 

I have created a resource intended to support folks explore a spiritual practice of their own over in the Membership Area. There are themes such as Getting Started, Core Beliefs, Collective Care, Everyday Magic, Lineage & Ancestry, Intuitive Languages, Deities, Archetypes and Nature (oh my!), Cleansing & Clearing, Wheel of the Year, Seasonal Things, Astrology, Moon Phases, Nostalgia & Obsessions, Morning Times, Creating Altars and many more to come. 

The Membership Area is a space for folks to explore their homecoming journeys with Tarot and spiritual supports. It’s for the dreamers, triers and unsuspecting magic makers. It’s for ‘new to Tarot’ folks and lifelong readers (and everyone in between). It is a gorgeous healing space for self discovery all for £10 a month. There is also a £40/month option for those who fancy a 45 minute 1:1 session with me each month. This can be used for anything from a mini reading, Tarot mentorship and spiritual breadcrumb searching. I’m here for it all.


Courageous Clarity for Leo Season


(Emotional) Baggage Check for Cancer Season