Magic in the Mundane for Virgo Season

How we move through our daily lives matters. The magic of our lives is in the practicalities of our day to day choices (in activity, approach and mindset) just as much as it is in those big moments of epiphanies, joy, chance, change and achievement.  

There’s magic in the mundane. There’re opportunities to connect with ourselves and channel what wants to come through to us in each moment of each day. It’s how we signal that each of these moments is precious to ourselves that matters. We often feel we have to have it all figured out and have all the best tools and resources and know it all and be connected to the best this, that or the other and well…life just doesn’t work that way. We aren’t meant to know and have it all. We are meant to know and have what we need in this moment so that we can take the next best step for us.  

The Hermit is our introspective, inner connecting, intentional step by step light in the dark, The Magician is our connection and channelling super power, The Lovers is our homecoming beacon and the Knight of Pentacles is our diligent, habit building supporter. There is a lot of Earth with Air in this season’s energy. Our thoughts impact our actions. Working in alignment with them both, we can put into place some really powerful daily practices. Giving space for what’s here to support and guide us can open up some really amazing opportunities to channel some of the good stuff.  

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