(Emotional) Baggage Check for Cancer Season

Hello lovely ones, there are massive invitations in the coming season to come home to ourselves within our inner realms (our emotions, intuition, shadow work).  We will have opportunities to assess what is working for us, what needs tweaking and what is no longer working. This is the beauty of the Chariot.

This assessment can be needed after a real clearing away of something that has not been working for us at a foundational level (Tower). The fire from that toppling and clearing can really use the healing waters available in this month. This means diving in to connect to our core self and using what we discover there to move about in the world in a more emotionally aligned way. The High Priestess is understanding how our intuition work best, how is shows up, trusting what it is telling us and then taking action that matches and supports that. 

This is all hugely supported by the Queen of Cups about deep self tending and healing. It’s about taking the time to retreat and suspend to allow that tending and healing to happen. It’s about folding that into our everyday lives. Going in with intention, connecting with intention and then beginning that with us as we move about our everyday lives….with intention. 

A love note: sometimes the monster beneath the surface are parts of ourselves we’ve been taught to ignored or shunned. Tend to the ‘ugly’ parts as much as the easy ones. 

I hope the support below is a helpful companion during the season ahead.

Lots of love and solidarity,


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Walk with me on a bit of my spiritual homecoming path.


Compassionate Channeling for Gemini Season