What folk are saying.

  • “I don't know how she does it but working with Jenny is like magic. She pulls the exact right cards and asks the exact right questions and reminds me of my worth and then gets me to point myself in the right direction (that really is a magic trick). I love our sessions together. It's one of the times in my week where I feel most calm and most myself. I get to really explore things that are right for me without guilt. It really does feel like a chance to come home to myself a little bit. I don't use the Tarot myself but I LOVE Jenny's connection to it and her card meanings. They make so much sense and feel so supportive. This work feels like the shift I've needed for a long time.”

  • “I have followed Jenny for a while on instagram. I found comfort and inspiration in her content and parts of it always resonated with me. I was about to make a massive change in my life and I knew Jenny was the person to help me along the way with her coaching. We took ideas and fears and broke them down into manageable steps. I got to know myself better and was gentler with myself in the process. Her Tarot readings are absolutely gorgeous, they were at the core of how we worked together. The cards helped bring to the surface a better understanding of myself. I wholeheartedly recommend working with Jenny whether it be coaching or a reading. She is a beautiful soul with a gift for Tarot, encouragement and helping you see the gifts within you.”

  • "Working with Jenny was unbelievable! She knew when to ask the right questions and when to just give me space to explore and ramble. I discovered so much about myself! She is warm and caring and there is zero judgement in her approach. I could have sat and chatted with her for hours. I came away with more understanding and appreciation of myself, my journey and my goals. I was able to question so much old crap that I was holding onto in a much more curious way than I usually do. I feel more aligned with myself and my goals and I just can't wait for more!