Radical Enoughness

Does my spell check hate me right now for using the word 'enoughness'? Yes. Apparently it's not a word but it sure as heck should be so we are going to use it, okay? Okay.

We are living in a world that weaponises 'lack' to sell, sell, sell. We have been trained to be consumers of our world in all ways. Everything has been commodified. Literally everything (the latest big thing is our attention) and so working with the theme of 'what's enough' is huge.

Much of the coaching work I do is with folks seeking their enoughness. They are keen to find the path back home to themselves because they know that that is where their self worth lives. They know that they are enough there and my goodness isn't that a beautiful thing?

If we realise we don't need that thing or this thing or that next thing in order to be 'fixed' (you know I don't believe any of us need fixing because I deeply know we aren't broken), then my goodness...who are they going to sell all this stuff to?

It takes a real effort and bravery to sit with all the ways we are already enough and all the ways we are much more resourced than we may first think. That is a radical thing. When we get curious about how we are consuming and why, we can start to see more clearly the pattern of the systems that contribute to that (and mean...talk about a rabbit hole of discovery...oft!). When we question the why of a 'need', we can unpick the layers of maybe where that need was created for us.

The hubster and I have been chatting about this a lot lately. We are both naturally content people and boy have we been pulled hard into the 'not enoughs' and the 'need for mores'. We've started being more open around when we notice this. happening for us and how we can counter it.

When we see the ways this is happening and we can pull ourselves back into our definition of what is enough then we can adjust back into gratitude and resourcefulness and ease. And it's hard work!

It's literally in everything we do...

  • The pressure to seek expert opinions or knowledge around things we already know for ourselves (because you must have a more experty expert right?)

  • The pressure to buy this thing or that thing or the newest thing or the popular thing

  • The urge to be online at all times with the targeted ads and the stealing of our attention and the rabbit holes of doom

  • The numbing and pleasure seeking in shopping.

  • The giving away of our own knowing about ourselves in favour of someone else's routines

  • The consumption of disposable goods and the throwing away of things that could be fixed.

I'm defo not saying we give it all up and go live off grid in the woods somewhere (hmm...although...), I'm saying that it has been a revelation to admit that we have enough. And more so, that I am enough. I am learning that I can trust what's for me in this life and to really relish in the life we have created. That contentment in what we are doing and how we are doing it is the goal. It's not complacency, it's a delight. And our enoughness lets us show up more for our others in our lives because maybe we won't be so consumed with the 'not enoughs' you know?

I hope this ramble makes sense.

Essentially I'm urging you to consider the ways that you are already enough and what is enough in your life as it is and how resourced you already are. And hey, if something deeply doesn't feel like it's enough, that's a wonderful indicator where you are craving more (but I bet you a lot that the more isn't stuff related...winky face, love heart emoji).

This is beautiful Magician, Empress , (anti) Devil work all supported by the Pages in the deck.

You know I love us so much. Let's go forth and be in our enoughness. And yes, I believe if I write the word enough times it'll be considered a 'real' word.

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